Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's Time For New Clothes ...

We are nearly at 3 weeks post-surgery and I've lost a grand total of 28 lbs (as of yesterday)!! WooHoo!  And while I can't always see it myself - I get lots of comments about it from the people around me and how they can see it, so I guess it's really happening somewhere other than just in the numbers on my scale.  While not all of my pants are too big for me yet (which makes me think I might have been wearing them a bit tight before!!) - some are definitely starting fall off!!  I don't think you're supposed to be able to slide dress pants on and off without unbuttoning or unzipping them! lol  Even the pants that are still fitting okay in the waist though, are way to big in the legs and bottom ... which, by the way, is not necessarily one of the places I really NEEDED to lose weight - but apparently it's leaving there first.  My tops that I wear constantly are definitely in need of being replaced with smaller sizes.  I have never worn my clothes really tight - especially my shirts - so now they just look really big on me and aren't flattering at all.  So, I need to get some new clothes!!!

BUT - I don't want to go buy a new wardrobe when I know I'm going to be continually losing weight.  I know it's going to be necessary at some point and I obviously know that undergarments will be VERY necessary to buy as time goes on, but I just can't stand the idea of buying new clothes and only getting to wear them for a little while and that's it.  On the bright side - I do have a co-worker who is a couple of sizes bigger than me and she is going to be having the Gastric Bypass Surgery in December ... so I am going to be giving her my now too-big clothes so that she can have something to wear in smaller sizes as she drops her weight.  And this weekend I was thinking that I really wish I was on the receiving end of that kind of deal too - it just seems ideal especially with others who are in a situation where they have done a weight loss surgery and their size is changing constantly.

And what do you know, just as I'm thinking these things, I get a text message from a good friend.  Her initial text asked me what size I wear now.  My first thought was - I am NOT telling her that!!! lol  I may be losing weight, but I still don't like telling anyone the actual size in numbers!!! lol  But, I went ahead and told her and her next text revealed that the reason she was asking is that a friend of hers had weight loss surgery about 6 months ago and she has lots of clothes that she can no longer wear - and she wanted to know if I would want them!!! YAY!!!  I'm so excited and so grateful to this girl - whom I've only ever met once - would be so kind as to make this offer to me!!  It will definitely help me out in the upcoming holiday season so that I am able to spend my money on gifts for my friends and family and not on new clothes for me!!  It's also going to be great for my co-worker since I'll be able to pass these down to her also as I "shrink" out of them!  I love that there are good, kind and thoughtful people out there in the world!!


  1. You are doing so AWESOME!!! Keep up the great work! Having friends that share clothes is great. We get clothes for our kids from friends and it has been an amazing blessing! Can't wait to see some pictures! I'm sure all of us that don't get to see you as often will notice a big difference! Can't wait to see you in the spring or summer!

    1. Thank you so much!! I can't wait to see you guys either ... I am going to be looking at tickets very soon! Love you guys!
