Tuesday, October 8, 2013

It's Real ....

I don't know why this whole journey has seemed so "unreal" to me up until this point.  I've been going to doctor appointments, been eating better, been eating differently in general ... but it still hasn't seemed really real. Maybe it's because I've never taken such definitive and drastic measures to reach a goal ... and I don't just mean where my weight is concerned - but in anything in my life.  I've been very much a laid back person who has just let life go on all around me.  That isn't to say that I'm not an active participant in my own life and the things that go on in it, I just have never had to do anything "big" to get to the end result.  This is big - this is more life changing that anything up to this point for me.  It's exciting and nerve-wracking ... I'm anxious and anticipatory ... and yesterday I put my stomach into a thousand knots worrying over it all.  But I'm better today - less stressed and more just excited.  At the office today - I got lots of well wishes and good lucks from those that know what is going on and that meant a lot.  They have been super encouraging ... which is funny when they bring in Wing Stop - they know I would love to eat some of those french fries so they just tell me how great it is that I'm being so good and staying strong ... WHILE they put those yummy fries in their mouths!! It's okay - I forgive them when they ask how I'm feeling, how much weight I've lost so far and tell me they just know I'm going to look so "hot" in a few months! haha

My sister will be here in the morning to take me to the Surgery Center.  She is bringing her youngest two girls which I've decided is actually a good thing - because regardless of how nervous I might be going into tomorrow, I know that hugs and kisses from those two sweet girls will be all the calming that I need.  The surgery is at 9 and provided that they are on time and everything goes smoothly (and it WILL!) - I'll be back at my apartment by noon tomorrow.  That seems crazy to me - that such a big event for me will only take a very short amount of time - but it's also great.  I can be in my own bed - able to sleep under my covers and watch all those things on my DVR that have been sitting there for a while now!  Mom is going to come get me Thursday afternoon so I can spend the rest of the week with her & dad.  And even though I won't be in my bed there (and I won't have a tv in my bedroom there!) - it's still nice to be able to be at "home" when I feel crummy!

So ... wish me luck everyone & please say a prayer that everything does go smoothly and that I can mentally & physically get through this.  I'll be sure and post tomorrow or Thursday and let you know how everything is!!

Starting Point: 0

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