Sunday, October 13, 2013

4 Days Post Surgery ...

I am 4 days past surgery today and I'm actually feeling really good.  I'm still careful when I bend or twist and getting out of bed - that last one is definitely the hardest to do still!!  Mom & Dad brought me back to my apartment this evening.  It's been great having them around for company the last 4 days and having them there when I needed an extra hand doing something (like getting out of bed!!!).  It has definitely challenged me a little - challenges I wouldn't have had if I had been home alone - but good for me to be around!  Let me just give you a brief overview ...

I arrive at their house Wednesday night and mom hadn't eaten dinner ... so I got to smell her homemade chili that she had made a couple of days before (and yeah, that is one of my FAVORITE things she makes).  Thursday evening I got to smell my dad's dinner that consisted of some pork chops I had made for myself earlier in the week - and they smelled GOOD and I knew they were yummy!  Friday evening, I got to smell the kitchen as my mom made casseroles (both of which I like) and a chocolate chip pie that she was taking to a family reunion on Saturday!  Then Saturday evening when they got back home, Mom baked another dessert for our reunion we had today!  OH - and on Saturday I made the dressing for an Asian salad that is one of my absolute favorite things to eat (thank you Aunt Kathy!) - and I mixed it up with the salad mom had made up the day before.  And in addition to all of that cooking going on, mom & dad had pizza for dinner Friday night!!! haha ... it was a FOOD filled weekend and I made it through!!

I have gone the past 4 days eating the "foods" I'm supposed to (liquids aren't really foods, but whatever!), walking like I'm supposed to and not lifting or doing anything strenuous like I'm supposed to.  I've been a very good patient! ... and I'm super super excited to report that all that being a good patient stuff has definitely paid off!!  Going from the beginning of the 2-week pre-op diet ... I am down 17 lbs ... 7 of those in the past 4 days!!!!!!!!  YAY!!!!!!!!

It hasn't been super difficult yet - mainly because I'm sore and post-op "bleh" - but I'm not getting hungry, I'm not tempted to eat at all or drink too much. But I don't expect it to always be this easy - I'm preparing for temptations to come my way ... the pay off though is definitely great enough reason for me to remain vigilant!! :)

-- and added to the greatness of the weight loss, I got to see lots of family members today that I adore and love so much!  We had our Loving Family Reunion (my grandma's grandma's family) today.  My grandma's family means the world to me and all my awesome cousins have been so supportive through this so far! I got lots of hugs and good lucks today!

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