Friday, October 4, 2013

Everyone Has a Story ...

Since making the decision to have this procedure done, I've heard stories from countless people.  Many of these stories have been success stories - how individuals have lost 70 to 100 lbs in 10 to 12 months - how their lives have changed completely.  While each of these individuals have had much success - they have also put a lot of work into reaching their goals.  They follow the rules - eat what they are supposed to, exercise, go to their follow-up appointments, make good life decisions.  Each of these stories have been told by people who are hugely supportive of my decision and their experiences have been super encouraging to me.  I've been getting great encouragement from people who have no experience with this procedure or any other weight loss surgery.  And even some who I've spoken to who haven't been super sure about my decision, have been encouraging and spoken their concern with lots of love.

But then there are "the others" ... those people who have felt the need to tell me that this is absolutely the wrong decision, that I will fail because I'm not having the "right" weight loss procedure done.  There have been many as well who have felt the need to tell me of their own, their family members' or their friends' stories of failure with the lap band.  I'm not ever sure what these people have in mind when they're telling me these stories.  I think maybe some of them are truly trying to help me - maybe they just don't know how to best going about doing that.  What I have found to be a common thread in all of these stories - is that none of them have been willing to fully commit to a "new life."  I've heard how they were only able to eat ice cream ... that they couldn't keep anything down ... they were only able to eat mashed potatoes or jello.  That while they initially lost some weight, they eventually gained that back and then some.

These stories ... they have done nothing more than make me want to prove these individuals wrong about the lap band!!  I can't imagine that if you do what the doctors have told me to do, stick to the rules, make the life changes that are necessary - that you can't succeed.  And I haven't thought and prayed about this for the past 3 years and dedicated myself to its success for the past 6 months to just fail at it now that it's really here!!  I will be a success story ... I will look back on this date - one year from now - and know that I made the RIGHT decision, the BEST decision.  I will be a different person - both inside and out ... a better person.

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