Saturday, October 19, 2013

... 21 And Counting ...

Well, we're post-surgery 10 days ... after today, I can lift more than 10 lbs again!! lol  That is my big milestone today - oh, well that and the fact that as of today I'm 21 lbs lighter than I was just a little more than 3 weeks ago!  I'll let you decide which you think I'm more excited about!!

So, what has been going on with me since my last post?  Well I went back to work this week and it was a very busy week. Monday and Tuesday were actually a bit difficult for me - something I wasn't anticipating at all.  I was feeling really good on Sunday and although the reunion and traveling a lot had tired me out - I wasn't hurting at all and I was moving pretty well.  But after sitting in my desk chair for 7+ hours on Monday and trying hard to get caught up on all the things that had built up in the days I'd missed last week - I was done.  I had to leave early, come home and crash and put ice on my incisions.  I wasn't sure if the pain was truly from the incisions or what it was, but I knew I was incredibly uncomfortable.  Tuesday wasn't quite as bad, but I still couldn't make it a full 8 hours at the office.  I talked to the doctor's office Tuesday afternoon and the nurse gave me a couple of things I could try (and I won't bore you or gross you out with details) - but I went home and although I didn't get much sleep Tuesday night, I did feel much better by Wednesday.  The last 3 days of the work week flew by and while they were very busy, I did a lot better.  I remembered to get up and walk around throughout the day and I made sure I "ate" when I was supposed to.  I did come home and crash every single evening though!!

The most trying day since surgery did occur this week though - the first time I have truly been tempted by food that was being eaten around me.  Our management team on Friday purchased pizzas for the entire office in recognition of National Patient Accounts Day.  Now, pizza may not necessarily be my favorite food in the world - it really isn't - but for some reason I have always loved the smell of Pizza Hut pizza.  I'm sure it's the fact that their pizza crust is ridiculously greasy and that's what the smell is - but it always makes me think I'm hungry!!  So when there were 40+ boxes of Pizza Hut pizzas in the breakroom just a short distance down the hall from my office ... well, my stomach started grumbling and my "desire" to have just a piece of that pizza shot out the roof!!  I went into my bosses office (she was out yesterday) and I started sipping on my protein shake while the rest of the rest of the office ate their lunch.  And then I did the only thing I could think to do at that point - tell everyone in the world how I was feeling at that moment - I made a Facebook post! What I didn't expect were ALL the comments of encouragement that came next.  I figured I'd receive a few - especially since it was in the middle of the work day - but I got nearly 30 comments and almost all of them came within just a few minutes of my initial post.  That outpouring of support not only helped me remember that all of this really is worth it, but helped me remember I have the greatest cheering squad in the world helping me through this.  From the funny comments to the serious ones - each one meant so much to me!!  So thank you again for the prayers and the thoughts and the words of encouragement that I have still been getting every single day.

I'm off to go work for a couple of hours this afternoon ... who knew missing just 3 days of work would put me SOOO far behind!?!  Then I'm headed back to mom & dad's for just a little while ... it's Fall Festival time in my hometown and since I can't seem to keep away, I'm headed to help out the 3rd grade class with their booths! Plus I will stay for church tomorrow morning and get to see some of my cheering section in person! :)  Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

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