Wednesday, October 23, 2013

New to this "Blogging" Thing ...

Okay ... so it was brought to my attention that no one was able to leave comments on my blog because they don't have a Google ID or AIM or any of the other options that you apparently had to click on in order to post anything.  Well - that was my bad!!  I played around with all the different settings and buttons and etc (really had no clue where I was supposed to look for this!!!) ... and I THINK I have fixed the problem!!!  At least I hope I have!  So if you've been reading and trying to comment all this time, I'm so sorry!!  Hopefully now all those "words of wisdom" you've been wanting to throw my way (or that you've been sending me on Facebook since you couldn't do it here!!) - you can now share with the world! :)  I'd love to hear from you!!!!

24 lbs people ... 24 ... Give me another couple of days and I'll add some pictures! You can tell me if you see the difference!!!


  1. Just checking to see if this works yet. And yes I'm still your biggest encourager. Love you, Mom

  2. Hi it is Jace Mitchem. I like reading your blog and I think it is WONDERFUL how much weight you have lost!!!!!!!

  3. Jace!!!! :) I'm so excited you're reading my blog!! Thank you so much! I can't wait to come up there, hopefully in a few months, to see you guys!!!
