Saturday, November 2, 2013

Real Food Again ...

As of 2 days ago, I began putting "real" food into my system again.  I haven't done much - some chicken, refried beans, shrimp - but the serving sizes of everything has been sooo tiny! In comparison, I'd say that my 2 year old niece eats about 3 times the amount I do in one sitting!!! lol  But I'm eating until I'm full - not stuffed, but comfortably full.  In my entire life, I could never dream that that amount of food would make me comfortable for half a day!!

More people at work are starting to notice the weight loss and I am still getting comments that I look happier than I have in a long time.  I honestly thought I was always a happy person, but apparently these days I am even happier! :)

I took a quick picture of myself this morning that I thought I'd share.  I am still not super comfortable with taking pictures of myself - I really hope that that will change as time goes on!  Thank you so much again for all the kind words and comments that I have been getting - they truly mean more than you'll ever know!!

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