Tuesday, November 5, 2013

First Follow-Up Visit

I completely worked myself up over this follow-up visit.  I have no idea why ... but I actually think I was more nervous going to this appointment today than I was for the surgery!  I did not eat much all day long and really didn't feel very hungry - my stomach was too full of knots.  I got into my appointment right on time (very impressive!) and the first person I met with was George - my nutritional guide for AfterCare.  He was great!!  He advised that my official weight loss is 25 lbs (15 post surgery) ... I was a little bummed by that since my scale says 30 lbs, but I always weigh first thing in the morning and not with jeans, shirt & shoes on!! ... so I say it probably evens out!! lol  George went over the basics with me - the ins and outs of what I should do and shouldn't do and how much I should be eating and what I should be eating.  I am VERY happy to tell you that I am doing everything already that he mentioned.  He did advise that I could probably eat a little more solid food - just to test out my band and to see if I have any problems with anything, but otherwise I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to be.  After he left, Shunta (the NP) came to chat with me and discuss my first fill.  After she looked at all my numbers and asked me questions about what I've been eating - she decided there is no need for me to have a fill at this time.  She said that typically patients have only lost around 10 lbs at 4 weeks and since I'm already at 14 and I'm eating well, she doesn't want to fill if it's not needed.  YAY!!  I count that as a win because I wasn't looking forward to liquids for 2-3 days again!!!  She said that since I've only been eating "solid" food for just under a week - she would like me to continue where I'm at for at least 2 more weeks.  So basically, this appointment was GREAT!  I was worried over nothing and it all boiled down to me being told I'm doing great and to keep it up!  I go back again two weeks from today & we'll re-evaluate.  She said it's not abnormal for someone to not have to get a fill on their first follow-up - it's about 50/50 - so I am good with being right there with the average person!!

... Day 5 of Thankfulness ... I am thankful for my Grandma & Grandpa Cochran.  Family means a lot to grandma & grandpa and they instilled that into their children who then passed it onto their kids ... and I believe you can see that in each of us.  Family gatherings with the Cochran family is crazy & insane ... and fun & exciting!  There are so many of us now - we seem to get bigger every time I turn around!! - but it's clear that grandma & grandpa are the center of us, the glue that holds us all together.  I have learned to cook by watching them, learned to sew with grandma VERY patiently sitting beside me, and gotten to hear stories of not only their lives as young people but about my mom & her siblings as well (which I love!).  I love getting to spend time with family when are all able to get together - but I also love the times that I get to spend with just grandma & grandpa.  Glad you both are the glue that holds are crazy, silly, insane family together - we are all very lucky to have you!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your doing great!!!!!!! Keep it up!!!!!!! One question what is a fill?????
