Saturday, November 2, 2013

November Month of Thanks

So during the month of November on Facebook - a very popular thing to do is 30 Days of Thankfulness posts.  I have always participated, but this year - I think I'm moving that to my blog.  It irritates some people on Facebook, but I feel like I have SO many things to be thankful for this year and I really want to do this.  So, look forward to daily posts this month and mixed in with my normal comments about my weight loss journey, I'm going to mix in all the blessings in my life.

So - Days 1 & 2 of November, I am incredibly blessed and thankful for the most amazing parents in the entire world.  My mom & dad have been married for nearly 40 years and absolutely inspire me to keep looking for the perfect spouse, someone who will love me for me and I won't settle.  They are great role models as loving, Christian parents, working parents, a loving couple - things that I am looking to be one day in my life.  My dad survived raising 3 daughters, being the only man in the house and my mom survived raising 3 girls - even through the teenage years when daughters never think their moms know anything!! :)  I am so blessed to have these 2 people as my parents. They are my biggest cheerleaders, my biggest inspiration - without whom I would be very lost in this world.  I love you both, mom & dad!!!  Thank you for all you do and all your encouragement and love!!!

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