Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 4 of Thanks

Day of 4 of Thanks - I am super thankful for my Grandma Gaston.  She is such an amazing inspiration and example - she is an amazing Christian woman, an awesome friend, and so unbelievably strong.  We lost my grandpa just over 2 years ago and the first thing so many people commented to me about was what would grandma do without him.  Admittedly, I wondered the same thing - but then, I knew that grandma was a super independent woman and she would make it through anything!  She still takes care of things on the farm, lives there all by herself and is still the same ole her! :)  I know she misses grandpa and I'm sure there are days that are difficult for her, but her strength and her independence are very much an inspiration.  There is so much more I could say about her, but my words always seem to get jumbled up when I talk (or write) about her!  I love my grandma - she is the world to me!!!

-- I don't have much to tell about my Weight Loss Journey today ... other than, tomorrow I will have plenty to share because tomorrow afternoon is my first visit back to True Results ... they will evaluate how I am doing so far and we'll decide if I need to have a "fill" this month (which I can already guess will be yes). Anyway - I'll fill everyone in on that tomorrow!!!!

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