Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Progress Report via Photo ...

While I am still a really horrible judge of myself - by looking in the mirror - and seeing my weight loss results, I know I'm getting smaller.  My jeans that I was so excited to get into a few months ago are now almost too big for me!! yay!!  So apparently, progress is happening! :)  So - sticking with the same outfit I've been wearing all my update photos - here is the current progress report.  (by the way, I don't think this tank top is really helping my ability to see the changes!!! lol - but I can tell a little!)

And another progress report ... I'm 2 days into my Squat Challenge ... and oh my goodness, my thighs are killing me!!! lol  I'm making it though ... and I decided to throw in the same number of crunches each evening as I do squats every morning - so I'm definitely getting my working out in now!  And the Saturday after next, I'm going to be doing a 1 mile fun walk to help raise money for the American Cancer Society in the name of my friend's dad who passed away last fall from lung cancer. They're also raising money for a scholarship fund in his memory as well.  Super good cause and a great reason for me to get up and move - even if it's just for a little while!!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, you have to go back and look at your original photo you posted and then look at this one and tell me you can't notice a difference! You are looking absolutely AMAZING!!!! Huge difference....if you can't see it, you are blind! Keep up the fabulous work!!! We are so proud of you!
