Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Challenge to Myself ...

This is going to be very short - as I should actually be getting ready for work!!!  I just wanted to post here that I started a 30 Day Challenge with myself today ... 30 Days of Squats.  I found this on another blog (shrinkingjeans.net) and I've decided I may have to use some of their other work-outs once I survive this one!!!  They have some great personal challenges.  I am determined to get up every single morning for at least the next 30 days and follow this challenge ... Day 1, complete.  It wasn't easy!!  I HATE squats ... but I did it ... and I'm going to keep doing it!!!  Wish me luck!!  (and anyone else who wants to do this with me - join in!  I've got co-workers doing it and some friends on Facebook have joined in as well!!)

Squat challenge.... Good for any month!

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