Thursday, April 10, 2014

Happy 60th to my dad!

This past weekend we celebrated my dad's 60th birthday with family and friends ... it was a blast!  Yes, I thought my sisters & I were going to lose our minds getting everything ready the morning of the party (and I thought my brothers-in-law were going to kill us all!) ... but we got everything decorated, ourselves ready and the party was a success.  Lots of my dad's side of the family were able to be there and even some of my mom's side ... and lots of friends from church were there to celebrate with him as well.

One of the things we did with decorations were banners of lots and lots of old pictures and a slideshow of nearly 400 photos that played through the party.  It was fun to go back and look at all those pictures - it was also kind of eye opening for me.  I watched through the years as my battle with my weight went up and down.  I can say that I didn't like my size at the end of high school, I am kinda happy with how I looked in my early 20s ... and then at about 24/25 (when I moved back to Dallas), it all went downhill.  (oh and of course I wish I was as tiny as I was at the age of 7!!  my arms were like twigs!!!)  Anyway ... I used some of those pictures as my new inspiration - and enjoyed realizing that I've already lost a good bit that I need to in order to look like many of those pictures!

I didn't get a whole of pictures ... but here are a couple from the party - I love the one of me and my sister!! :)

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