Monday, April 14, 2014

My Weekend ...

I don't know about where anyone else lives, but in the DFW area and even north of here - this time of year means a 5K or some type of marathon every.single.weekend!!!  You have to be careful exactly where you're driving around because there may be streets closed and traffic diverted because some organization is having a 5K to raise money for whatever charitable foundation they are supporting.  And next year, I'm even considering participating in some of them!! I'm not quite ready to do that this year - but I'm getting there.

Even though I'm not quite ready for the 5K - there was 1 mile Fun Run/Walk this weekend that I was super excited to participate in!!  If you have been following my blog, you read a post back in November about my friend's dad who passed away from lung cancer.  He was from my hometown and he was an employee of the school district there before he passed away - and everyone who knew him, loved him ... and it seems pretty much everyone knew him!  So this past weekend, my hometown had a Fun Run/Walk and 5K along with a silent auction to raise money for the American Cancer Society and for a memorial scholarship in JP's memory.  It was a pretty awesome tribute to this man and his memory as well as to his family and what they mean to our small town.    We wore shirts that his grandkids helped create that had little hand prints on them that said "Together We Never Surrender." Nearly 200 people were there Saturday to walk, run and bid on items that local businesses had contributed to help raise money for the cause.  While this isn't the first year the town has had the 5K (it's part their yearly health fair) - this year there were twice the number of participants as well as much more money raised.  It makes me very proud of my little hometown and how much they care about the people in it.

Anyway ... that was my weekend - doing a Fun Run/Walk with my mom in my hometown in memory of a really great man who left this life way too soon.  The guy who runs the local newspaper put together a video highlighting some of the fun that was going on through the morning - and mom and I made an appearance in it! I thought I'd share with you so you can watch how much fun we had - and how silly my mom is!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Happy 60th to my dad!

This past weekend we celebrated my dad's 60th birthday with family and friends ... it was a blast!  Yes, I thought my sisters & I were going to lose our minds getting everything ready the morning of the party (and I thought my brothers-in-law were going to kill us all!) ... but we got everything decorated, ourselves ready and the party was a success.  Lots of my dad's side of the family were able to be there and even some of my mom's side ... and lots of friends from church were there to celebrate with him as well.

One of the things we did with decorations were banners of lots and lots of old pictures and a slideshow of nearly 400 photos that played through the party.  It was fun to go back and look at all those pictures - it was also kind of eye opening for me.  I watched through the years as my battle with my weight went up and down.  I can say that I didn't like my size at the end of high school, I am kinda happy with how I looked in my early 20s ... and then at about 24/25 (when I moved back to Dallas), it all went downhill.  (oh and of course I wish I was as tiny as I was at the age of 7!!  my arms were like twigs!!!)  Anyway ... I used some of those pictures as my new inspiration - and enjoyed realizing that I've already lost a good bit that I need to in order to look like many of those pictures!

I didn't get a whole of pictures ... but here are a couple from the party - I love the one of me and my sister!! :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Progress Report via Photo ...

While I am still a really horrible judge of myself - by looking in the mirror - and seeing my weight loss results, I know I'm getting smaller.  My jeans that I was so excited to get into a few months ago are now almost too big for me!! yay!!  So apparently, progress is happening! :)  So - sticking with the same outfit I've been wearing all my update photos - here is the current progress report.  (by the way, I don't think this tank top is really helping my ability to see the changes!!! lol - but I can tell a little!)

And another progress report ... I'm 2 days into my Squat Challenge ... and oh my goodness, my thighs are killing me!!! lol  I'm making it though ... and I decided to throw in the same number of crunches each evening as I do squats every morning - so I'm definitely getting my working out in now!  And the Saturday after next, I'm going to be doing a 1 mile fun walk to help raise money for the American Cancer Society in the name of my friend's dad who passed away last fall from lung cancer. They're also raising money for a scholarship fund in his memory as well.  Super good cause and a great reason for me to get up and move - even if it's just for a little while!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Challenge to Myself ...

This is going to be very short - as I should actually be getting ready for work!!!  I just wanted to post here that I started a 30 Day Challenge with myself today ... 30 Days of Squats.  I found this on another blog ( and I've decided I may have to use some of their other work-outs once I survive this one!!!  They have some great personal challenges.  I am determined to get up every single morning for at least the next 30 days and follow this challenge ... Day 1, complete.  It wasn't easy!!  I HATE squats ... but I did it ... and I'm going to keep doing it!!!  Wish me luck!!  (and anyone else who wants to do this with me - join in!  I've got co-workers doing it and some friends on Facebook have joined in as well!!)

Squat challenge.... Good for any month!