Monday, January 20, 2014

A Little Off Topic ...

So really quick ... things are going great with my weight-loss.  I was afraid I really messed up while on my business trip last week.  We were treated by the company for basically every meal so there weren't a lot of choices that I was able to make as far as the types of food I was eating.  I did indulge on a few items ... and initially, I was very fearful that I had gained weight.  But after being on the scale yesterday morning - it appears that while I have not lost any weight, I didn't gain either.  I'm being very strict on myself this week - hopefully I can lose a little this week and really get back on track next week!

On another note ... I need a place to vent about an issue I believe I'm about to be experiencing at work.  I have an associate in my office who has been there for just over 2 years now.  She's a very sweet person and she and I get along really well.  Sadly, her work has definitely not been up to par at different times throughout the past 2 years.  She very much goes in ups and downs in doing her work as she is supposed to.  I have talked to her about it as a friend and lead and she's been talked to more than once in an official capacity by our supervisor.  She's been given multiple chances to get on track and stay there - and now, I think her time has run out.  Part of my job is tracking all of the associates productivity at the end of each month and preparing them for our supervisor to "grade" them on how they met the standards for our job.  Anyway ... I reviewed December's work today ... and I don't think associate met the grade for last month.  In fact, I have a very awful feeling that tomorrow this associate's employment is quite possibly going to be terminated.  I realize that this is her own doing - she has been given chance after chance to get her work on track and she continuously fails to meet our standards - but I hate this.  She will not be the first employee since I started with this job 4 years ago that had to be let go ... but I hate this one.  As I was working on her reports today, I kept wishing there was a way I could help her out ... but there was just no way.  She can't manage to do her job consistently - even though I know she is capable of it.  It is just disappointing to me when someone so capable won't do what she needs to in order to keep her job.  I fear tomorrow or the next day will be very difficult and I'm not looking forward to it.

This is definitely not the normal kind of post I'd make - but I needed to vent ... and I definitely could not do it on Facebook.  If anyone has any kind words of wisdom or advice - please feel free to share!!

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