Sunday, January 12, 2014

So Horribly Far Behind ...

So ... what I was afraid of happening, happened.  I am TERRIBLE at keeping this thing current!!!  So sorry everyone!!!  So, let me try to catch up - at least a little!!  I am still totally on the weight-loss track.  Even through the holidays I lost some weight and my current grand total is 45 lbs lost!!!  I am officially down 2 pant sizes and I'm SOOO happy!!!  Because my loss has been so continuous since the surgery 3 months ago - I have only had to have one "band fill" at my follow-up appointments!!  I'd say that's a good thing.  I'm sure if I went in and asked to have it filled some, I'd lose a little more - but right now, I'm really happy with how I'm doing.  I've (very) slowly started to get into working-out.  I have a friend who lives in my apartment complex and we're trying to hold each other accountable for getting into the gym here at our complex and walking on the treadmill and elliptical at least a few times a week.  Hopefully at my 4 month anniversary, I'll be down at least 55 lbs ... that's my hope right now, to lose around 10 lbs each month. ... It's been a while since I shared a "This Is Me" photo on here ... so, here you go!!!

As for other updates, my family had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.  It was a little crazy and we were running around a LOT ... I don't think I stayed in my apartment for more than a day or 2 over a nearly 2 week period!!  I spent a lot of time on couches ... at my parents and both sister's!  But it was fun and I love nothing more than spending time with my awesome family.  I know parents totally love getting to be the adults at Christmas now and seeing the faces of their children on Christmas morning and seeing what Santa brought ... and I have to say, I'm super lucky that my sister allows me to join in on that fun with her 3 girls.  It is so much fun to watch them come into the living room and seeing all those fun toys and clothes that Santa put under the tree for them.  It's also a lot of fun to have them run into the room with their new automatic Nerf guns and shoot their Uncle Jared with foam bullets!! :) ... those guns were the highlight (and annoyance!!) of every family gathering throughout the holidays this year!!!  Below are just a few pics that I took of our family fun (I am NOT a professional photographer - so please forgive the amateur picture taking!!!)

 Miss Madison & her new bicycle (no training wheels!!)
 My Cailey Bug - and her new keepsake box
 Little "B" was VERY excited about the make-up her sisters got!!! haha
 They were very good at saying "Thank You" for their gifts!
 GMa & PaPa with "B" ... she wanted to get on her knee too! lol
 Madison only wanted Uncle Jared to help her ride her bicycle
 Cailey Bug got a new bicycle too - she loves it!
My beautiful mom & sisters (I'm so lucky to have them!)

My Christmas was pretty awesome in the gift department as well this year.  I told everyone that there was no need (clearly) to buy me clothes as I am just "shrinking" right out of them every time I turn around ... so I really wasn't sure what they'd come up with!!  I was very surprised when I opened THIS on Christmas morning! Happy Happy Lisa :)

My other gift this year, came from myself.  I bought a new car a few weeks before Christmas.  Amazingly, I still haven't actually taken a picture of it!!  But it's a blue Chevy Cruz and I love it.  It's a 2014 and they literally rolled it off the truck for me ... it had 8 miles on it the day I brought it home ... it's now got close to 1500!!  I've had fun driving around during the holidays!! haha

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with family & friends and you got everything that you asked Santa for!!  I'm leaving Tuesday to spend nearly a week in Florida on a business trip, I've got a week-long vacation planned in March with my parents, I have a family reunion in OK in June and I am planning for there to be at least a few days in Ohio this summer as well.  So I've got a busy schedule coming up.  I promise I'll keep you updated - even if it's only once a month!  And hopefully some of you who are reading these updates will get to see me soon too!!!  Thanks again for all your continued love and support - y'all are amazing!!


  1. We are SOOOOOOO proud of you for sticking to your plan. You are really looking great and I'm sure you are getting more energy too. You will be flying around with those nieces and having lots of fun. Keep up the great work! I'm down 8 pounds so far with many more to go. My first 3 weeks I mainly didn't lose but reshaped my body. Now I'm losing consistently and I'm so excited. I've been on the treadmill, doing a cardio workout, Ab Ripper X with the boys, and stretching. It is making such a difference for me mentally too. I can hardly wait to see you! Enjoy the working out! It makes you feel great when you are done even though it is exhausting while you are doing it. Love ya!

  2. Hopefully you will make it back here cause I wanna see you in person. Glad your losing weight!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):)

  3. Finally an update!! (Like I need to read it on a blog because I talk to you and see you) but I'm glad you're doing this blog! Proud of you sister and your determination! Love you!!
