Sunday, February 2, 2014

Almost 4 months in ...

A week from today will be 4 months post-surgery ... that just seems crazy to me!!  It was 10 months ago that I first made the decision to go down this road and I'm now 49 lbs smaller than what I was when I first started!  I knew I'd lose weight and my goal is a hefty one - but to be this far into it after what is truly such a short amount of time - is so exciting to me!!  I'm excited when my new jeans are already starting to get a little big on me and nearly all of my shirts are way too big now.  I've bought a few new tops - two sizes smaller than I was normally buying - but I know that as the weather gets warmer I'm probably going to need to buy some more.  One of my cousins told me about a resale shop that is near me that sales adult style clothes that are all brand name, new fashions ... so I'm probably going to make a trip there in the very near future.  I still don't want to spend too much money on clothes since I don't wear them for too terribly long - but some items are necessary.  One of the things I had mentioned a while back on here was that I'd be giving my "too big" clothes to a co-worker who had the gastric bypass surgery in December ... well I'd like to just take the time to say that I'm extremely glad that that surgery was not the one I chose.  I know that some people have had success with it - in fact most people lose quite a bit of weight just as soon as they have the surgery - but the problems that I have seen with this procedure truly seem to outweigh the positives.  This co-worker has still not been able return to work due to complications from her surgery and even though I've been told that she is down nearly 80 lbs already - she has spent more time than not in the emergency room.  When I get discouraged that I have yet to quite hit my 50 lb mark - I remember again that it took a long time to put all this weight on in the first place - and that I don't have to lose it all in just a few months.  I'm much happier losing it slowly and through eating correctly and exercising than risking the chance of spending so much time sick and in the hospital.  I hope that my co-worker is able to come back to work soon and I hope that she's going to be okay in the long run - but it has not been an easy journey for her in these nearly 2 months since her surgery.

I went to another follow-up appointment on Thursday and I continue to lose weight.  I have not gained at all since two weeks before the surgery and even though I go sometimes and don't lose either - I'm very happy that I am not gaining.  I did ask them to do a "fill" at this visit.  They didn't put much in - only .5 cc - but I'm hoping it will give me back that little boost to lose a few more pounds.  I think it is possible to reach my 55 lb goal by next week - just maybe not by Sunday.

This week begins a month of birthday celebrating in my family ... all 3 of my nieces will celebrate their birthdays in the next 4 weeks.  Brooklyn will be 3 on Tuesday, Cailey will be 5 on the 18th and Madison will be 7 on March 2nd.  It seems so impossible to me that they are so grown-up ... I can so vividly remember the days that they were born and how exciting it was to hold those sweet little "baby burritos" ... now they are turning into little young ladies and their personalities have definitely begun to show.  I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for them ... and for me as well.  We're having a big birthday party for all 3 of the girls in a couple of weeks and I can't wait ... I'm sure I'll have some pictures to post then ... and maybe a new one of myself.  Hoping you are all doing well ... and that all my family in the north is staying warm and safe in all the crazy weather you guys have been having.  I think we have some ice and snow in our forecast for this week - starting today - but I've got my fingers crossed that it will be minimal!!!! ... until next time ...


  1. You are doing your weight loss the smart way. Losing slow, eating well, and exercising won't fail you. Keep up the great work! I'm now 15 pounds lighter and feeling great! I have been working out 4-5 times per week. I feel so much better and my energy level is much higher. Keep working hard and pray harder!!!

  2. Thanks Holly!! And way to go on your 15 lbs!!! :) I can't wait to see you guys this summer ... just got to get everyone on my side to figure out a date!!!!

  3. By the way I absolutely loved the snow but unfortunately it seems that winter is over and spring well on its way. Your losing weight or trying while I'm gaining weight in a good way. Aunt Heather's birthday was on March 2nd too!!!!!!! Mine was on March 8th!!!!!!!

  4. Happy late birthday Jace!!! :) Glad that all of your winter weather is done up there ... we still go back and forth between winter and spring ... one day it's 30 degrees here and the next it's 70! It's very annoying!!!!
