Sunday, September 29, 2013

The First Steps

A little over six months ago, I took the first step to changing things in my life.  After many years of being overweight - I decided to take a big step to change that.  I went to a consultation for the lap band surgery.  It was a free consultation - nothing had to be done - I wasn't even sure I wanted to do it for sure.  After 30 minutes of talking with a weight loss advocate, I knew I needed to make this decision.  Once a month since the beginning of April, I've visited with a dietitian and medical staff to help prepare me for the next steps.  On the 25th of September, I got the phone call that told me that insurance had approved the surgery.  My questionable visit I made half a year ago is now becoming my reality.  On October 9th - I will be having the lap band procedure and the beginning of a very new life for me will begin.

I didn't want to post this on a social media site like Facebook, I don't know that I necessarily want the entire world to know every single thing about this journey.  However, I also know that taking this journey without any one else - will be impossible.  I don't have a husband or kids watching me through every step and I don't see family members every day to help keep me accountable.  What I do have, though, is a whole network of friends and family all across the country that I've been able to stay in touch with over the years through the internet.  So while this isn't my normal way of communicating - I'm hoping some of you will read my blog and go through this journey with me.  Once I have the surgery - I'm going to post my food diary, exercise journal and every now and then, pictures of my progress.  I'm sure it won't be the most exciting or interesting blog to read ... but if you know me, you know I'll have extra commentary through the whole thing! :) 

So - thanks for reading ... hope you'll stop in every now and again to see how this new adventure in my life is going.  Thanks for the support and encouragement too - it means more than I could ever tell you!!

~~ Lisa ~~

-- to start it all off, I will post the picture I hope soon will very much be a thing of the past ... I don't want to look like this any more.  This is my starting point ... 

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! I know this is going to be the start of a great new 'you'! :)
