Tuesday, March 18, 2014

And now we're just past 5 months ....

I just had a follow-up appointment today ... and I am officially down 60 lbs!!!!  WOOOOOHOOOOO! When I got on the scale and saw that number ... I totally freaked out! I honestly cannot remember the last time I weighed this and it feels great.  But as excited I was to get to this weight ... now I cannot weight to the next big milestone weight.  I love that my newest pair of "skinny" jeans are getting too big for me ... and while on vacation last week, I bought a hoodie sweatshirt in size "L" so that I can wear it next fall/winter.  I don't remember the last time that I bought a piece of clothing with just one letter size!! haha ... I also don't remember the last time my "number" sized clothes didn't start with a "2" and NOW that number isn't in my closet at all.  Again, I'll say, this was the best decision I have ever made in my life.

Anyway, I'm terrible at updating this thing - clearly! But I can catch myself up just a little!  This past week was Spring Break in much of Texas and so my mom was out of school ... so - she, my dad & I took a week's long vacation to the East Coast.  We stayed at a resort on the teeny tiny island of Edisto in South Carolina.  It is still technically the off-season there, so the island was very winterized still with very few places open and not too many people milling around.  So, we didn't spend quite as much time there as we had thought we would ... and what we thought was going to be a very slow-paced, very relaxing vacation - did not turn out to be quite what we expected!!  It was great though.  We were very close to Charleston so we did lots there.  We were there quite a few days of the vacation and I fell in love with the city.  I love the history, the charm of the old southern homes and I LOVED walking around all over the place.  Now, my feet didn't love that part too much the day that I didn't use my brain and wore cheap rubber flip flops while we walked around for blocks and blocks!!! lol ... but otherwise, I loved it.  (by the way, 6 months ago ... I would have NEVER been able to walk that much and enjoy myself nearly as much as I can now!!  and I LOVE that)  Anyway ... we also spent a day in Savannah, GA because that wasn't too far away and I shopped in Paula Deen's store next to her restaurant The Lady & Sons.  We didn't eat at the restaurant ... I'm not quite sure there would have been to much on her menu I could eat seeing as she is a true lover of butter!!! ... but I want to go back now and do that as well.  In both Charleston & Savannah we toured lots of homes that were built a couple of centuries ago and I have just decided I was totally born in the wrong century.  I am not sure how I would have handled the no electricity and scarce availability of running water - but I LOVE the homes and the clothes and the architecture from back then.  Anyway ... I've posted TONS of pictures on my Facebook page of our trip - so I won't do that again here, but here are just a couple.  The first is us on the beach at Edisto Island watching the sunset and the other is me & mom just before we headed out on a carriage ride tour of Charleston.